Dec 22, 2021 | Resources

8 Ways to Improve your Workspace




8 Ways to Improve your Workspace


1. Think Like a Mouse

Working in a distraction-free environment is known to boost productivity and helps you concentrate. Understandably, most homes are difficult to work from home if you have kids or loud neighbors. So, find the quietest corner of your house. Ideally, it’s good for you to find a space that is designated as your “work office” and provides a quiet, comfortable workspace. Some places we’ve heard our staff and Twitter posts:

  • Dining table
  • Closet
  • Corner of bedroom
  • Laundry Room


2. Declutter your Space

No matter what you are “working” with, a clean space makes it easier to think. Studies have identified a direct link between the stress hormone cortisol and clutter. The “Marie Kondo Method” is becoming more popular in mainstream media, due to the tidiness guru, Marie Kondo’s declutter methods. According to Kondo, “Tidying is a dialogue with one’s self.” (Thrive Global).



Photo by Sanni Sahil on Unsplash


3. Bring some green

Put a plant or flowers in your workspace. Give your eyes a rest from your screen and add a breath of fresh air. Plants have shown to reduce stress, improve air quality, and boost your mood. According to a recent study in Japan, keeping a small potted plant on your desk and gazing at it for a few minutes can help to reduce workplace stress.


4. Try a Scent

Certain smells could help you get your work done

Examples include:

  • Peppermint: boost your energy boost
  • Sweet Orange: help with anxiety
  • Clary Sage: reduces stress
  • Frankincense: improve mental clarity



Photo by Jaron Whelan on Unsplash


5. Use a Smaller To-Do List

Spend the first 10 min of you day creating a to do list that you can tackle that day. Writing down mini tasks that you need to do makes it a lot easier to track your progress. For example, if your task is to complete a credit card report for the month, write down 3–5 mini tasks needed to complete that report.


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash



6. Use a Cork Board

Put it behind your screen and hang your to do list (a calendar or white board also works, too). This will help you keep track of your progress, and it’s always in front of you!

Photo by Mia Baker on Unsplash


7. Make it Yours

Furniture and big decorations can be difficult to switch up in your house, try experimenting with accessories like interesting shelves, motivational posters and affirmations, colorful notebooks and office supplies, notice boards, photos, and objects that are meaningful to you.

Decorate what’s visible to you and your co-workers- whether it’s art, photographs, or inspirational quotes, put things in your space that are meaningful to you. To create your own space helps to clarify your mind and provides a workspace where you can work comfortably.


8. Set Real Work Hours

A very important step: enforce an end of the day so you don’t work non-stop. If your company allows for flexible working hours, and you find yourself more productive during the evening, set a time to end your working day. If that means at 8PM when you start at 1PM or earlier.

Let your housemates, kids, friends and family know what time you are “off” work and follow that. It also keeps you accountable for the time you have allowed for your work and your personal life.


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Sources & More Resources:

The Muse


Science Direct